
About Premier Bank

At a glance we are a bank that leverages cutting-edge technology to empower customers, Business and revolutionize their banking experiences. With a focus on customer-centricity, we are not just about offering another banking option; it’s about delivering a transformative end to end banking experience. New beginnings is to walk with you throughout your banking journey!

Our fresh perspective to banking and a passion for innovation is what sets us apart. Our aim is not only to disrupt the traditional banking landscape but also to raise the bar for customer experiences in the industry. We invite individuals and businesses to embark on this exciting journey with us, as we redefine what it means to be a tech-led and customer-centric bank. Together, let’s unlock a world of possibilities and reimagine the future of banking. Welcome to New beginnings

Our History

Premier Bank started as a privately owned Sharia-compliant commercial bank incorporated in Somalia in 2013 and licensed by the Central Bank of Somalia in 2014. We believed in the promise of a new Somalia and through our vast Knowledge in financial technology; our efforts in spear heading the banking industry helped rebuild Somalia and encourage economic and community development. In January 2023, Premier Bank Kenya was born through the acquisition of the majority shares in First community Bank. On May, 2023 we were Premier Bank Kenya following CBKs gazettement.

Our Vision

To be the premier customer centric and innovative Shari'ah Compliant bank, for Africa and beyond.

Our Mission

To provide progressive, ethical, banking solutions, prioritizing our customers while making sustainable economic contributions in communities across Africa.

Our Brand Promise

Social Responsibility

We actively contribute to sustainable initiatives, promote financial literacy, and support community development, aligning our business practices with the greater good.

Customer-Centric Focus

Through personalized interactions and tailored solutions, we aim to build strong, long-lasting relationships with our customers.

Security and Trust

We prioritize the security and privacy of our customers' information. We employ industry-leading security measures and Protocols to safeguard customer data.

Innovation and Agility

As a technology-led bank, we embrace a culture of innovation and agility. Our agile approach allows us to adapt quickly to changing market dynamics and deliver timely solutions that address emerging challenges and opportunities for our customers.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We are open and actively seek meaningful collaborations and partnerships with other stakeholders in the ecosystem. By promoting strategic alliances, we enhance our ability to deliver innovative solutions and create mutually beneficial opportunities that drive the growth of the banking industry.

Financial Inclusion

We believe in promoting financial inclusion by providing access to banking services for underserved communities and individuals. Our products and services are designed to cater to a diverse range of customers across different Cultures, Religion and professional &Business fields.

Enhanced Stakeholder Value

To constantly strive to protect and enhance its stakeholders’ interest and deliver shareholder value.

Our Core Values

  • Customer Centric
    Our customers are at the ultimate beneficiaries of everything we do, excellent customer service.
  • Integrity
    confidentiality, accountability, Honesty, ingenuity, ethical.
  • Learning & Growth
    To develop and foster a competent and innovative management team with high standards of integrity and professionalism through continuous comprehensive training programs.
  • Innovation
    Embracing creativity and new ideas that support our mission of empowering businesses to grow.
  • Ethical conduct
    We do the right thing always. are credible. We are guided by Shari’ah principles.

About Us